Baby Shot Week

It’s Baby Shot Week! Actually, it is National Infant Immunization Week. This week provides an opportunity for parents and caregivers world-wide to recognize the continuing health of infants and children due to vaccinations. As most of you know, I believe vaccines protect our children from disease, and are important for providing optimal health. But, I wanted you to hear from experts in the field.

I think Baby Shot Week is not only a great time to remind parents about the importance of vaccines for children, but it is also a great time for us, as parents, to look at our own vaccination record. Most of us vaccinate our children, but what about keeping ourselves up-to-date?

Take a minute to think about your vaccine status today. Ask your husband, your parents, your brothers and sisters, if they are current with recommended adult immunizations. Check this page from the CDC for information on vaccines for moms, dads, grandmas, and grandpas.

Recognize Baby Shot Week by updating your own vaccines. The health of your children not only depends on their routine vaccinations, but also the vaccination history of all those caring for them.


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