Introducing #31DaysVaxFax

Introducing #31DaysVaxFax


Everyone loves "fun facts." These shareable bits of trivia are quick nuggets that are meant to pique interest in an interesting topic, but ultimately add to our mental Rolodex of understanding. Like this:

Humans are born with 270 bones, but die with 206 bones. Certain bones fuse during the course of our growth to account for this change. 

Fun fact, right? But, wait - There's more!

Each day of August, I'm going to be recognizing National Immunization Awareness Month by sharing bite-size bits of vaccine knowledge. These tweets, grams, and posts are meant to be easily liked and shared throughout our favorite social networks.

My goal in creating these facts is simple: To offer an opportunity for the vast majority of us who have chosen to vaccinate our children, a super-easy way to share what we know. These facts are meant to help us work together to share what we believe to be one of the best technologies for keeping our kids safe from illness. Plus, they are meant to encourage interest and understanding in something so important for the health of all kids. 

And, I promise we will have some fun along the way. 

Join me all this month on the KCKidsDoc channels - Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram - and follow #31DaysVaxFax and #vaccinesworkkc .

Pick your favorite fact, on your favorite channel, and share it. Here we go!

Big thanks to Dr. Autumn Han, a 3rd year resident at Children's Mercy Hospital, for helping this project become a reality. Your hard work in vaccine-fact-hunting was impressive and appreciated. Cheers!
Grandma's Chair

Grandma's Chair

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