First Day of K


Anxious. Excited. Nauseous.

Heart beating so hard. Can anyone else hear it?

Tenuous. Trusting. Brave.

“We’ve been talking a lot about kindergarten, now it is time to do it.”

Planning. Preparing. Purchasing.

What am I forgetting?

Daughter. Sister. Friend.

“I know my pre-school friends will miss me, but they will be OK.”

Memories. Expectations. Decisions.

I hope she says, “yes.” I hope she says, “no.”

Friendly. Innocent. Aware.

“I can chit-chat on the playground with my new friends.”

Love. Deep. Wide.

How can this be happening already?

Backpack. Flowered fingertips. Smile.

“I remember. I know where I am going.”

Hugs. Letting go. Pride.

Thinking of you. Have a great day!

Leaping. Beaming. Cheering.

“It was the best day ever! And, teacher said I get to come back tomorrow.”

On the first day of kindergarten, I am amazed at the young girl you are becoming. I continue to be impressed by your natural patience, determination, and generosity. As you begin this new chapter of your life, I can’t wait to see where you will direct your journey. And, I am so lucky to be able to join you. I love you!

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