Time Magazine Kicks Moms Right in the Boob

TIme magazine
TIme magazine

You’ve seen it, right? The cover ofTime magazine?The cover features a beautiful, blond mother standing in defiant confidence while breast feeding her nearly 4-year-old son.

Unexpected? Maybe.

Shocking? No.

I have no problem with this cover photo. It simply reflects one mother’s choice of how to best raise her child.

The cover title, however, rips me to the core: “Are you mom enough?”


What an outrageously loaded question, just in time for Mother’s Day brunch. Time magazine editors clearly have chosen to brazenly challenge one of our most personal decisions - how we parent our children. The cover implies that if we are not using the attachment parenting method; we are not tough enough, sacrificial enough, or strong enough.

It implies that most of us are doing this “mothering” thing wrong.


Please, Time, continue to report issues relevant to our American lives. You had an opportunity to feature an uncommon subculture of moms who are choosing a unique way to raise their children. You could of had moms celebrating across the country with their families while learning about each other, and learning from each other.

Instead, your antagonistic and voyeuristic approach to motherhood is a disappointment.

It feels like nothing but a swift kick to the boob.

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